Learn to preempt aggression, how to handle aggressive outbursts in the moment, and much more! See below for more details. Are you stuck at home, unable to go out anywhere, due to your child’s reactivity and aggression? Do you walk on eggshells around him, to avoid triggering another bout of aggressive behavior? Perhaps you’re wishing your home would not involve hitting, pinching, yelling or screaming? Gain a new view on the underlying reasons for aggression, simple strategies on how to preempt it and very importantly, the tricks you need to know for how to deal with it in the moment.
Yes Show Me HowAggression
Factors that can cause aggression
How Sensory Processing disorder can affect your child's aggressive behavior
Strategies to preempt aggression
How to give positive reinforcement and stay regulated with your child's behavior
Helping children with Sensory Processing Disorder and aggression feel more comfortable
How to deal with aggression in the moment

Turn your home into one where the environment is one of calm, safety and assurance for an anxious child
Gain a new understanding of your child’s emotions and brain-wiring. No more guessing games!
Have your day-to-day life become a smoother calmer process
Empower YOURSELF with tools that actually work!
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