Our teachers course includes innovative, information packed videos and toolkits for you and your classroom. As a teacher, you likely have a classroom full of kids who are all different, and you have to learn how to help each one. This course will teach you how to make this easier and more doable! Does your student's behavior seem puzzling, confusing and something does not add up right? Are you drained from the time, attention and emotional investment that each confrontation demands? Perhaps you are busy all day with behavior management, but then new misbehaviors keep popping up? Teacher’s course will enlighten you to what the root cause of a student’s misbehavior may be. You’ll learn how to develop a healthy attachment with each student and class as a whole, to create the best environment for learning. You’ll come away with classroom strategies, to help even the most dysregulated student.
Yes Show Me HowTeachers
Factors that influence student behaviors and outcomes in the classroom
How to regulate student behavior
Regulating yourself in the classroom
How sensory integration can be used in the classroom
Attachment issues and how they can affect your classroom
How sensory processing can affect your students with attachment issues
How to use attachment methods in the classroom

Turn your home into one where the environment is one of calm, safety and assurance for an anxious child
Gain a new understanding of your child’s emotions and brain-wiring. No more guessing games!
Have your day-to-day life become a smoother calmer process
Empower YOURSELF with tools that actually work!
Schedule a 10-minute discovery call with a Bloom consultant and learn what this platform offers.