Navigating School Tantrums: Tips for Parents and Teachers

in בלוג

As a parent or teacher, navigating school tantrums can sometimes feel unattainable. However, with the right strategies and mindset, managing these outbursts effectively is not only possible but can also foster a positive learning environment for children. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips to help you handle school tantrums with grace and effectiveness

At BLOOM, we work hard to help families find balance and truly thrive in the season of life they’re in. That is why we provide complete courses on many topics that parents have questions about – everything from anxiety and ADHD to aggression and emotional control. 

  1. Create a Nurturing Environment: Start by creating a nurturing environment in the classroom or at home. Use facial expressions to convey warmth and care, leave small notes or stickers on the child's desk to start the day positively, and take a few moments between classes to listen to their stories or ask about their weekend. These small gestures can make a big difference in a child's emotional well-being.

  1. Promote Relaxation: Encourage relaxation techniques by asking parents if they can provide smoothies or sports bottle caps for their children. Sucking and swallowing promote exhaling and relaxation, which can help prevent tantrums before they start.

  1. Set Clear Limits: Clear communication of limits is essential for preventing tantrums. Use charts and lists to teach class organization and provide structure. When children know what is expected of them, they feel more secure and are less likely to act out. You can do this by telling them what the consequences are for certain behaviors.

  1. Handle Tantrums Calmly: In the event of a tantrum, it's very helpful to remain as calm as you can, even if that means only one level calmer than the student. Avoid taking the behavior personally. Instead of resorting to punishment, deliver consequences without anger. Utilize short, direct statements such as, "You can calm down and stay in the classroom, or you can continue yelling and hitting and go to the principal's office." This helps maintain clarity and reduces the likelihood of power struggles.

  1. Avoid Lectures and Sarcasm: Lectures and sarcasm only escalate the situation further. Instead, use concise one-liners to communicate consequences. Enforcing consequences from the first instance discourages repetition, and a flat tone when giving consequences ensures a neutral approach that most students respond well to.

  1. Break Learning into Chunks: Prevent tantrums by breaking learning into smaller chunks with short breaks in between. Incorporate breathing or movement breaks to help children stay focused and engaged.

  1. Connect the Dots: Finally, help children connect the dots in their learning to bridge gaps and improve understanding. When children see the relevance and importance of what they're learning, they're more likely to stay engaged and less likely to become frustrated. You can help them with this by comparing it to something they already have experience with, like current events or age appropriate examples.

By implementing these strategies, parents and teachers can effectively navigate school tantrums and create a positive and supportive environment for children's growth and development. Remember, patience and understanding are key, and with the right approach, tantrums can become less frequent occurrences.

At BLOOM, we applaud and support all unique individuals working to integrate personal well-being into their daily rhythms. BLOOM can help support the pursuit of self-knowledge, healthy sleep habits, and happiness – that’s the beauty of our online courses! These techniques can be integrated alongside other therapies and directly into home and family life. We offer courses on managing anxiety, overcoming fears, or impulsivity, which may resonate with night owls on their journey toward balance.

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